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PrestaShop: How to set up SMS Phone number confirmation (part 3)

PrestaShop: How to set up SMS Phone number confirmation (part 3)

At the end of the work done, we just need to send an SMS and record the successful verification.

First, we check that this is really a phone number, and not an empty field:

if (!empty(Tools::getValue('phone')) && Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('phone')))

Then we will check for the existence of the phone number in the database:

Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT EXISTS
(SELECT phone FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'customer
WHERE phone = '.(int)Tools::getValue('phone').')')

Once all the conditions have been met, we send an SMS and write the generated code in a cookie for further comparison:


It doesn't matter which service you use - as soon as you send the SMS, enter the code in the verification_number field and send it to the address / login? Action = compare_code. To do this, respectively, you need to add a parameter check in the phoneVerification () method
action = compare_code:

if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'compare_code') {

and write our function to send the confirmation code:

type: "POST",
headers: {"cache-control": "no-cache"},
async: true,
cache: false,
url: '/login?action=compare_code',
dataType: "json",

It remains to check the code and write down that the phone is confirmed, where exactly it is shown below, on the screenshot:


You can record a successful comparison by creating a field in the customer table called is_verification and adding a line of code to the Customer.php override file:

'is_verification' => array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'copy_post' => false),

After that, we will need to add an additional field to the redefinition file:

$format['is_verification'] = (new FormField)

In case of successful verification, it will write a flag to this user about the successful confirmation of the phone number.

That's all for us. Have a nice day and success in your work!

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